Large military fleet (130 ships) collected by Spain in the years 1586-1588 for the invasion of England during the Anglo-Spanish War (1585-1604). Trek Armada took place in May and September 1588 under the command of Alonso Perez de Guzman, Duke of Medina Sidonia. Armada was tacky Anglo-Dutch fleet of light and maneuverable ships, commanded by Charles Howard [en], in a series of battles that ended Gravelinskim battle. They distinguished themselves "pirates Elizabeth", the most famous of which - Francis Drake. The battles lasted for 2 weeks. Armada failed to regroup and went to the north, abandoning the invasion, with the English fleet followed her at a distance, walking along the east coast of England. Returning to Spain was a difficult one: Armada went north through the Atlantic, along the west coast of Ireland. As a result of severe storms, many ships were dumped on the northern and western coast of the island. During the expedition was lost over 60 ships (and only 7 of them - combat losses).
Вот что я сдавала 8класс: this film is a briliant. i have never whatched that amasing film. Garry Ross - produser of this film , created wonderful film, exating advantyre and history of love.
All actions begin are at the future . The USA were divided in districts and every districts must choose 2 participants to hungry games. Which fight for the victory. And 12 districts chose young sister Kitnis , and Kitnis is a good sister and brave shoote went as a volunteer to participants at Hungry Games. Every Freeze in the middle of this fantastic film ,when Pit is dieding and Kitnis save hime. But at the 2 part Kitnis, Pit and all winning past Hungry Games coveone on main battle and now cmes the interested
yes i do
i i like reading books