1 Gulnara was tidying her room while
Damir had a bath.
2 When did he call? An hour ago.
3 She was sunbathing when her
mobile ringed
4 We swam at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
5 They finished breakfast
and then went out.
6 Aidar was palying tennis when
it started raining.
7 The kids were watching TV while
Mum was reading a magazine.
8 Akbota was making dinner
when the lights went out.
9 They were driving to Astana when
their car broke down.
10 He put on his coat,
grabbed his bag and left
Australia is a very beautiful country, let’s tell you more about it. I really like the city of Sydney in this picturesque place so much charm and personality that can not be overridden. It is one of the most multicultural cities in the world - about 31 percent of its population was born abroad. Australia There are four climatic zones: subequatorial tropical subtropical temperate, in short, very hot, + 30 ° C in summer and + 15 ° C in winter. It rarely rains, mostly in winter, and the continent's people are friendly. Local people like to joke, they do not want to obey any authorities, and they are also considered easy to learn. The majority of the population is immigrant from Ireland and England. Record heat and drought and frequent lightning strikes during thunderstorms in the region were the main direct causes of the fire. Estimates of animal deaths range from 400 million to 1.25 billion animals. Many koalas died, and these are only mammals, birds and reptiles (
— панель часов с цифрами; пластина с делениями, обозначающими часы, минуты или иные единицы измерения, и с проставленными под ними цифрами (в часах и других измерительных приборах, например, в секундомерах).
В солнечных часах, в зависимости от типа и расположения плоскости, на которую отбрасывается тень стержня, различаются экваториальные, горизонтальные и вертикальные циферблаты.
Современные часы имеют номера от 1 до 12, напечатанные в равноотстоящих интервалах по периметру циферблата (указывающих час), с числом 12 в верхней части. На многих моделях есть шестьдесят точек или линий, равномерно распределённых в кольце вокруг внешней стороны, для указания минут и секунд.