Time for a walk! Oh goody! I like the park! Hello, Cookie! So, you come here too! Yes. My owner works here.He sells hot dogs. What does he do? Do you want (тайм) (фэр) (э) (уок)! (оу) (ˈгуди)! (ай) (лайк) (зэ) (пак)! (хеˈлоу), (ˈкуки)! (соу), (ю) (кам) (хиэ) (ту)! (йес). (май) (ˈоунэ) (уёкс) (хиэ).(хи) (селз) (хот) (догз). (уот) (дэз) (хи) (ду)? (ду) (ю) (уонт) one?Do people eat dogs?Oh, oh! They're not really does, silly!Here you are. Try one! I love hot dogs. Yum!(уан)?(ду) (ˈпипл) (ит) (догз)?(оу), (оу)! (зеэ) (нот) (ˈриэли) (даз), (ˈсили)!(хиэ) (ю) (а). (трай) (уан)! (ай) (лав) (хот) (догз). (ям)!
1. In the simplest (превосходная) account the costs are divided into "variable" and "fixed" 2. Double-entry is the most accurate (превосходная) method of book-keeping 3. Before the last (предельная) war less than half (сравнительная) the beef consumed in the UK was produced at home 1. В простейшем отчёте расходы делятся на "переменные" и "постоянные". 2. Двойная запись является наиболее точным методом бухгалтерского учета. 3. Перед последней войны менее половины говядины, потребляемой в Великобритании, производилось внутри страны.
1 They are going to take the bus.
2 She is going to make a speech.
3 They are going to travel by plane.
4 She is going to see a film.
5 She is going to drink some coffee.
6 They are going to have a baby.
7 He is going to buy a new tie.
8 They are going to be rich.
9 He is going to score a goal.
10 He is going to win the race.
11 They are going to play basketball.
12 They are going to get married.