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The center of Simferopol is now full of advertising signs, brightly colored facades of restaurants and boutiques. It's hard to imagine that in place, for example, a pharmacy once worked printing house, where they printed the newspaper "Krymsky Vestnik", and in the building of the former "Children's World" was a movie theater. Let's find out how the center of the Crimean capital looked 100 years ago, and who lived in the houses, many of which have preserved the graceful old facades.

A movie theater and a sewing factory in "Detsky Mir".

Let's start our tour of the center with the "Silpo" store on Kirov Avenue, because this is where the Central Department Store used to be located. Interestingly, before the war in its place in general was another building - "Angelo Passage" - on behalf of the chairman of the Simferopol City Credit Society Michael Davidovich Angelo, on whose funds it was built. It was a beautiful three-story gallery with a glass dome and gable roof. The façade was adorned with a massive sphinx head of colored stone, while the interior was decorated with sculptures of atlants and caryatids and a small pool with goldfish in the center.
The former counterintelligence headquarters sells medicines and watches

In one of the most beautiful buildings of Simferopol - home merchant Semerdzhieva, located on Karl Marx Street, 14, as now, at the end of XIX century, the two upper floors occupied apartments, and the first - stores. However, the goods were different: tobacco, cigars, writing materials, leather goods and souvenirs. The house next door, which belonged to Dr. Saraf, MD, housed a music store selling pianos, gramophones, records and sheet music. And in the building opposite, located on Pushkin Street, there is still a photo studio from those times, where you can still take pictures. The pediment crowning the two-story structure is marked with the inscription "Photography", and the balcony is decorated with statues of nude female figures.
Another interesting building on Karl Marx Street is adjacent to the ruins of the former hotel "Astoria". It now houses a clock store, a cafe, and a pharmacy. And in 1920 Kutepov's counterintelligence headquarters was located here. On October 26, 1920 General Kutepov reported to Wrangel that in view of the situation - the enemy's breakthrough positions on the Perekop - he gave orders on the night of the 27th to withdraw to a fortified position, and move headquarters in Simferopol. Later in that building worked as a printing house.

Instead of a school - a topless bar

Another pretty building in Simferopol on Pushkin Street is the Wedding Palace. It successfully combines austere white columns and fine moldings with the simplest architectural forms. But it was not until after the war that the building was used as a place for civil registration. At the beginning of the XIX century the house belonged to Franz Schneider, whose wife Sophia Sergeevna was a chairman of Simferopol society "Children's help". And in 1919 the headquarters of the First Soviet Zadneprovskaya Infantry Division headed by Pavel Dybenko, Russian revolutionary and the first military commissar for military affairs of RSFSR, was situated in this house. An inventory of belongings at the disposal of the Reds has survived from those times. It lists carpets, armchairs, rocking chairs, nightstands, chandeliers, lampshades, tablecloths, and vases.
And the house, which now houses a topless bar and barbershop, was built in 1899 to house the city's Pushkin Free School. In 1944, a Soviet trade college was opened here.

In the House of Government teach music.

By the way, the center of Simferopol used to be Zhukovsky Street, with which the construction of the city began, the first buildings appeared there. Originally it was called Taranovskaya, because one side of it overlooked the "Taranovskaya hospital". This street was still inhabited by the participants in the Crimean War of 1854-1856. On the building of the military hospital still hangs a memorial plaque: "During the Crimean War in the Simferopol garrison hospital were treated soldiers of the Russian army and physicians worked - Pirogov, Arendt, Tsvetkov. Now this building is closed for repairs. The house in which the writer Zhukovsky lived, on the wall of the house you can also see a memorial plaque.
And in the building at Zhukovsky, 5, divided between the music school and the Union of Designers, previously sat ministers - in the 30's it was the House of the Crimean government. If you look at it from the opposite side of the street, you can see that it has the shape of a ship (on the left side there is a small arbor, like the captain's cabin, and a rounded balcony looks like an open deck). However, even now on this place, just opposite, the most important issues for the autonomy are being solved. In truth, the building of the Crimean Supreme Council is not an example higher and wider than the three-storeyed house-ship, as it should be for the flagship.
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Потребительский спрос является количество конкретного товара, что индивидуальный потребитель хочет и в состоянии купить, так как цена меняется, если все другие факторы, влияющие на спрос постоянны. То есть, потребительский спрос является взаимосвязь между количеством требуемого для товара и его цене. Коэффициенты предполагаются постоянными являются цены других товаров, доходов, а также ряд неэкономических факторов, таких как социальные, физиологические, демографические характеристики потребителя о котором идет речь (о котором идет речь). Теория спроса основывается на предположении о том, что потребитель, имеющий ограничение бюджета стремится достичь максимально возможного уровня полезности, то есть, чтобы максимизировать полезность, но он обычно предпочитает, чтобы получить больше, а не меньше. Потребитель должен решать проблему выбора. При условии, что он является поддержание заданного уровня полезности, увеличение количества одного товара должно сопровождаться сокращением количества другого товара. Потребитель должен выбрать конкретные товары в пределах, установленных его бюджета. Понятие предельной полезности имеет большое значение для решения задачи максимизации полезности. Предельная полезность хорошая является дополнительная утилита, полученный от потребления дополнительной единицы блага в вопросе. Предельная полезность от потребления хороший уменьшается, поскольку больше этого товара потребляется. Доходы должны распределяться среди всех возможных вариантов, так что предельная полезность в расчете на доллар затрат на каждого товара равна предельной полезности на один доллар расходов на каждого другого товара. Повышение цен приведет к уменьшению количества требуемого. Это соотношение между количеством требовали от товара и его цена называется закон спроса. В качестве предельной полезности от каждого дополнительного единицы товара расходуется снижается, потребитель хочет купить больше данного товара, только если его цена снижается.
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Понятие убывающей отдачи имеет большое значение для решения проблемы максимизации отдачи. Убывающая отдача какого-либо товара – это дополнительная отдача, получаемая при потреблении дополнительной единицы этого товара. Убывающая отдача при потреблении товара снижается по мере того, как всё больше этот товар потребляется. Доход должен распределяться во всех возможных направлениях, с тем чтобы убывающая отдача в расчете на каждый потраченный доллар при оплате отдельного товара равнялась убывающей отдаче в пересчёте на каждый доллар затрат на каждый другой товар.
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