Вчера мы купили новую машину We bought a new car yesterday - это past s. В вопросе появляется did: Did we buy a new car yesterday? В отрицании - didn't.We didn't buy a new car yesterday
люди строят новые дома каждый день - Peopl build new houses every day. это simpl - действия повторяются регулярно. В вопросе появляется do, в отрицании = don't
Do peopl build new houses every day? Peopl don't build new houses every day.
сейчас он готовит ужин He is cooking dinner now. Это continious. Is he cooking dinner now? He isn't cooking dinner now.
На неделе я смотрел этот фильм. I saw this film last week. Did I see this film last week? I didn't see this film last week.
Advertisements play important role on the market and they are very useful for both sides: for customers and for producers. They give people the necessary information about products, moreover, it is the best way to let them know the products well. Advertisements can be find everywhere - on the radio and television, in the internet, they are in the newspapers and so on. Advertisement is one of the main reasons of going shopping.
Реклама играет важную роль на рынке и она полена обоим сторонам:и покупателю, и производителю. Она дает людям необходимую информацию о продуктах, более того, это лучший получше узнать продукты. Рекламные объявления можно найти везде_ на радио, тв, в интернете, в газетах и т.д. Они - одна из основных причин походов в магазин.
1 What mean of transport was used by you?
2. Were many historical places seen by you?
3. How many photos were taken during your holiday?
4. Were you lost in this unknown place?
5. Were was meal eaten by you?
6. Were any souvenirs bought by you?