An active carrier of a healthy lifestyle is a specific person as a subject and an object of his life and social status.
In the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, a person begins in the unity of his biological and social.
The formation of a healthy lifestyle is based on a person's motivational attitude to the embodiment of his social, physical, intellectual and mental abilities and abilities.
A healthy lifestyle is the most effective means and method of ensuring good health, primary disease prevention and meeting vital health needs.
Long form
- He does not like balloons.
- I do not like tigers.
- My mum does not like cats.
Short form:
- She doesn't like eggs.
- I don't like snakes.
- My grandpa doesn't like cake.
Задание 2: Здесь нужно поставить галочку к тем вещам, которые нравятся вашей маме, а крестик к тем, которые не нравятся. Выберите свои комбинации.
Можно вот там ==> галочка: cakes (торты), pastries (выпечки), balloons (шарики), gloves (перчатки), grapes (виноград). Крестик: books (книги), nuts (орехи), toy cars (игрушечные машинки), yo-yos (йо-йо), slippers (тапки).
Задание 3: Здесь нужно нарисовать все подарки, которые маме нравятся. Я напишу что можно описать, а вы нарисуйте это.
My mum likes perfume (нарисуйте духи)
She likes to new clothes. She likes dresses, jumpers and skirts (нарисуйте платье, кофту и юбку). She likes cooking, so she likes to get new kitchenware as presents (нарисуйте что-нибудь из кухонной утвари, например микроволновку или сковородку).
She doesn't like drawing, so no papers, pencils or paints as presents (можете нарисовать листок и рядом краски и перечеркнуть это крестиком). She doesn't like dolls (нарисуйте куклу и перечеркните ее). She doesn't like flowers (нарисуйте цветы и перечеркните их).