Перетворити у Пасивний час. 1.They speak French in this country 2. Somebody stole my car. 3. They eat a lot of fish. 4. He drinks tea with milk at least five times a day. 5. They discuss the weather every day. 6. Some man robbed the Glasgow-London mail train in 1961. 7. They stoped the train between two station. 8. Mike brushes his shoes before school. 9. The court sentenced the men in January 1964
2 The books will be brought tomorrow.
3 The clock were repaired a year ago.
4 The name was forgotten.
5 The whole text will be translated.
6 The widow was broken last week.
7 When I came home the sweets were eaten.
8 The work will be done in the evening.
9 The book was bought in the 19th century.
10 Tennis will be played next week.
2) 1 The story is forgotten.
2 The water was drunk in the evening.
3 The class work was made.
4 The exercise books were bought.
5 The tickets were found.
6 The poem is learnt.
7 The bag was opened.