b. he has eaten all the bananas
4) 1. подчеркнуть are, вместо are - were. (ниже - так же )
2. yourself, yourself- herself
3. We asked them IF (вставить) they wanted to travel with us.
4. He asked me what I was listening to. (неправильный порядок слов)
5. if - не нужн0
6. yesterday, yesterday - the day before
7. that - не нужно
8. I asked him how many brothers he had - неправильный порядок слов
5) 1. if she knew Lily's email
2. wanted to invite her
3. it was in her
4. would look in
5. what she was doing
6. she was looking something up
7. what she neede to find out
8. it was a secret
9. if she could give him
10. she didn't want to spoil
1 If you had a driving license, you would get this job. (Eсли бы у тебя были водительские права, ты бы получил эту работу.) - это ситуация в настоящем, 2й тип
If you had had a driving license, you would have got this job. - нереальное условие в . Прав у тебя не было, и работу ты не получил... - 3й тип
2 I would go to the police if I were you. (Я бы обратился в полицию на твоем месте) - type 2
3 If people didn't buy guns, the world would become safer. (Если бы люди не покупали оружие, мир стал бы безопаснее.) - type 2
4. Tom wouldn't eat much fast food if his wife cooked at home. (Том не ел бы много «Фастфуда», если бы его жена готовила дома.) - type 2
5 I would have visited Sarah yesterday if I had known that she was ill. (Я бы навестил Сару вчера если бы знал, что она больна) - type 3
He has eaten all the bananas.