Why do sports: 10 reasons
Sports, training, jogging in the morning, a healthy lifestyle - what do you think about this?
Some people like it, some don't, and some people are generally indifferent to this issue. But be that as it may, you should know that on the side of those involved in sports, there are special advantages, which we will talk about in this article. But first, a few words about a sedentary lifestyle.
Did you know that, according to medical research, the average rate of movement of an ordinary person is 15 thousand steps per day, i.e. about 10 km? Do you walk or run so much daily? Surely few will respond positively.
In the morning we go to work, in the afternoon we are at our workplace (unless we are couriers, of course), in the evening we go home again, rest and go to bed. And so every day, except for weekends. If your lifestyle does not correspond to the example above, you exercise regularly or in some special way managed to build your schedule, then accept our congratulations. But you must admit that there are much more people who, by and large, lead a passive lifestyle (albeit different from the same example above) than those who live the most active lives.
A sedentary lifestyle, in turn, leads to not very good consequences, such as, for example, health problems, decreased vitality, lethargy, weakness, etc. And the physical form in this case leaves much to be desired. Once again we repeat that we do not equal everyone "under one", but we are talking about the majority.
Despite this, many people don’t even think about sports, but don’t even think about it, although sports are a great way to keep fit and maintain good health. And, as you know, something becomes interesting to a person (moreover, this rule works great even in sales), if you show him the benefits of this. It is for this reason that we will talk about the benefits and advantages that give people sports.
10 reasons to do sports
The first reason, it’s also the main one, is, of course, health. People involved in sports (even among non-professional athletes) have significantly better health than non-athletes. And this is not just like this: playing sports strengthens the heart, normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the work of all vital systems of the body, as well as improves brain activity and slows down the aging process.
The second reason is a good mood provided by playing sports. After exercise, a person almost always feels a surge of strength, even if he is tired physically; his morale is on top, his mental state is excellent, his vitality is maximally activated. No wonder they say that sport is the best cure for depression, because it helps to temporarily move away from problems and troubles and look at them from a different angle, and this, among other things, helps the mind to relax.
1. They said that skydrivers had to be eighteen or older and should be very fit.
2. They added that the equipment could only weigh around 15 kilos.
3. They told me that each skydriver had two parachutes.
4. He said that at one points he was falling at a speed of 120 mph, and at that speed he couldn't breathe. He pointed out that skydivers didn’t suffocate, because their body absorbed oxygen through the skin at that pressure.
5. He remarked he didn't land like sack of flour as he had expected, and the landing was quite smooth.
6. He added that it was a great experience, and he was looking forward to his next jump!
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