26 Answer the questions. 1 What do fruit and vegetables contain that our bodies need? 2 What do vitamins and minerals do? 3 What can fibre do? 4 What does calcium do? 5 What colours are in the fruit and vegetable 'rainbow'? M и задание 26
It is my family.It is small.It my mother. It нумеролог it is thirty two years.And it is my dad. He is a teacher - psychologist and to him sixty six . And my cadet.To him three years.It is my grandmother on a mother line.Its name is Nina Храповская. It почтальен and to it шесдесят one year.It is my grand-dad on a mother line him Анотолий Храповский call. I do not know who he works to him пятдесять nine.And it is a sister of my mother its name is Elena Храповская. I want to tell about the dad.He is very clever and when I was in A-one he was named a grand-dad.
This is my family. It is no big. This is my mother. She is numerologist. She is 32. And this is my father. He is teacher and psychologist. He is 66. This is my younger brother. He is 3. This is my grandmother. My mom's mother. Her name is Nina Hrapovskaya. She is postman. She is 61. This is my grandfather. My mom's dad. His name is Anatoly Hrapovsky. I don't know his job. He is 59. This is my mom's sister. Her name is Elena Hrapovskaya. I want to tell about my father. He is very clever. when I was in first grade, he was called by my grandfather. He was athlete.
1. Vitamins.
2. Restore health, increase immunity.
3. Fiber can clear the digestive tract in transit to keep it clean and healthy.
4. Strengthens the bones.
5. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple.
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