2 Complete the sentences with verbs and nouns from exercise 1. a
Good or bad luck?
It's good / bad luck to pull out a grey hair. If you do, ten more grey ones will grow in its place.
It's lucky / unlucky to on ...
in the pavement.
If you all the on a cake, you can wish for something and it will / won't come true.
In some countries, they say touching a piece of brings good / bad luck.
After you on the table, you should I mustn't throw some over your left shoulder.
It's good / bad luck to your fingers in many countries.
If you , you'll have seven years of good / bad luck.
h It's lucky / unlucky to put the sugar in the cup before you your If you do this, you'
become rich!
In China, chrysanthemum flowers bring good / bad luck. However, in some parts of Europe,
it's lucky / unlucky to someone a of chrysanthemums.
worde Then listen and
Каникулы ура ура вот и пришло время мне рассказать о маём дне во время каникул. Утро я встаю пораньше заплетаюсь одеваюсь умываюсь и иду гулять. Мы с друзьями ходим в парк. И по магазинам с мамой я иду. Вечером домой я поздно захожу и спать ложусь я сразу чтоб завтра уром с силами идти гулять.