Robert John Downey Junior was born in 1965 in a family of actors. In the childhood, he was taking a part in couple of films directed by his father. In the age of 20, Robert worked on the television. Since that, he has decided to connect his life with cinematography. Robert was nominated to awards Golden Globe and Oscar for the best male part in film Chaplin but Al Pacino beat him up. He was in prison for 16 month because of drugs. Robert is most known for his parts of an Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes.
Poбepт Джoн Дayни Mлaдший poдилcя в 1965 гoдy в cemьe akтepoв. В дeтcтвe oн пpиниmaл yчacтиe в нeckoльkих фильmaх пoд pykoвoдcтвom cвoeгo oтцa. В вoзpacтe 20 лeт Poбepт paбoтaл нa тeлeвидeнии. C тoгo momeнтa oн peшил cвязaть cвoю жизнь c kинemaтoгpaфom. Poбepт был нomиниpoвaн нa пpemии Зoлoтoгo глoбyca и Ockap зa лyчшyю myжckyю poль в фильme «Чaплин», нo Aль Пaчинo пoбeдил eгo. Oн был в тюpьme нa пpoтяжeнии 16 mecяцeв из-зa нapkoтиkoв. Poбepт бoльшe вceгo извecтeн cвoиmи poляmи в видe Жeлeзнoгo чeлoвeka и Шepлoka Хoлmca.
Vegetable Soup
(Овощной суп)
INGREDIENTS: 2 carrots, 2 turnips, 1 small marrow,1 leek (or onion), 1 potato,1 stick celery, 1 clove garlic, 20 g butter, salt pepper, 1 litre water, 2 sprigs parsley
1. Peel and wash all the vegetables, slice them.
2. Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the vegetables.
3. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes on a low heat, stirring continuously.
4. Add salt and pepper and pour in 1 litre of very hot water. Bring to the boil and simmer for 25 minutes.
5. Chop the parsley in the mill and sprinkle over soup just before serving.
6. Add a spoon of fresh cream.
Pelmeni (Meat dumplings)
Ingredients: 3,5 glasses of flour; 5 eggs; 2 teaspoons of salt; pepper; 1 kg of meat; 500g of onions.
1)3 glasses of flour sift into the bowl.
2)Blend the eggs with salt in another bowl.
3)Pour the eggs into the bowl with the flour and add some water.
4)Mix the mass until the dough is homogeneous.
5)Let the dough stand still for 20 minutes.
6)Place the dough on the table, add some more flour if necessary and knead it for 10 minutes.
7)Put the dough into the plastic bag and place it into the fridge.
8)Take the minced meat and add chopped onions, salt and pepper to prepare the stuffing for pelmeni.
9)Dust the table with flower. Make the roll from the dough and cut it into small pieces. Then make the dough pieces flat and thin.
10)Place some minced meat into the center of a piece of dough piece and pinch edges with the help of the fork or with your fingertips. Repeat this step for the rest of the dough and minced meat.
11)Boil the water and put pelmeni into it. Add some salt and a bay leaf.
12)Serve hot with sour cream or butter.
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