Floating Umbrellas Street
On one of the boulevards of the city of Agueda in Portugal, there is a bright and unique installation called "Floating umbrellas".
Broadway, New York
The longest street in New York City, stretching across Manhattan, the Bronx and further north through small towns to the capital of the state of New York, Albany.
Lijiang, China
The place is under UNESCO protection, because its bridges and houses were built in the 13th century. Bridges still perform a plumbing function, and houses have retained their original structures of raw brick and wood.
2.Are students playing volleyball in the sports ground? Where are students playing volleyball? Студенты играют в волейбол на спортивной площадкею
3. Has the mother bought any apples for dinner? What has the mother bought for dinner? Мама купила яблоки к обеду.
4. Do we have a new computer class in the college? What do we have in the college? У нас в колледже есть новый компьютерный класс.
5. Was I cooking dinner for the family at 5.00? What was I doing at 5.00? Я готовил обед для семьи в 5 часов.
6. Can Nora swim very well in the sea? What can Nora do very well? Нора умеет очень хорошо плавать в море.
7. Is the teacher at the blackboard during the lesson? Who is at the blackboard during the lesson? Учитель во время урока находится у доски.