They would often play chess in the evening. My father older then my mother by 5 years. They have three children. My mother is forty years old. Tomorrow from 8 to 9 I will call you. By end of this year I read 2 books in English. When he arrived at the station the train had already left. When I came home , my mom was making dinner. He showed you yesterday its a new picture? She writes a letter to her friend. They are building a house since last year. They just came home. Your sister has children? I'll be here tomorrow. What did you do yesterday? I didn't know he speaks English very well. English is spoken people all over the world. English is very popular . Work will not be completed by September Where's the letter? It was sent. I didn't know that he's gone to the movies. They told us that going to the library. I thought you had left England. She said she would be happy to see us again. We had hoped that he was home.
Lived, cried, visited, stopped, studied, played, tried, dropped, washed. Правила образования времени правильных глаголов. 1. Когда глагол оканчивается на e, вместо окончания ed добавляется только d: change –changed. 2. Когда глагол оканчивается на y, перед которой стоит согласная, y меняется на i и добавляется ed: study — studied. 3. Когда глагол, состоящий из одного слога, кончается на согласный (за исключением согласных: c, w, z, y) перед которым находится краткий гласный, то конечный согласный удваивается + ed: occur — occurred.
what are you doing?
I'm waiting for my dad
he is waving goodbye to the children