3a Work in pairs. Read and answer the questions. 1) Where does this text come from? How do you know?
2) What information comes first in the text? What comes after that?
A telescope is an optical instrument that makes far objects appear larger
by using lenses or curved mirrors and lenses. We can study the sky and
the stars through a telescope. The first known practical telescopes were
telescopes invented in the Netherlands at the beginning of the 17th century;
glass lenses were used in them. They are used for looking at things that
are too far and studying them carefully. Large telescopes are used by
astronomers. Telescopes are the main instruments for the study of the
night sky. Home telescopes are used to look at some astronomical
events that may take place in the sky. In the 20th century, many new types
of telescopes were invented, including radio telescopes. The Hubble Space
Telescope is a space telescope which started working in space in 1990.
У меня есть красивая кошка Китти. Моя кошка черно-белая. Китти любит молок и рыбу. Я люблю играть с моей кошкой. Мне бы хотелось иметь собаку. У тебя есть домашние животные? Это весело?
Мой любимый спорт это теннис. Я играю в теннис очень хорошо. Но я не умею плавать. Я люблю рисовать и играть в компьютерные игры. В субботу и воскресенье я катаюсь на велосипеде в парке. Что тебе нравиться делать? Что у тебя хорошо получается?