Задание: Turn the following sentences into Reported Speech.
2. She asked when we should let them know.
3. She offered to carry my suitcase.
4. She said she couldn't play chess very well.
5. She said they had to finish the work that day.
6. She said I needn’t wear formal clothes.
7. She said I should take more exercise.
8. She offered to get me an aspirin.
9. She said Tony must have missed his bus.
10. She said they would go to the zoo the following day.
11. She said she might take up skiing.
12. She asked what she should buy him for his birthday.
13. She said they wouldn’t arrive on time.
14. She said they needn’t be at the meeting the following week.
She lives in the doll’s house at the back of the garden. Она живёт в том самом домике, который расположен в конце сада.
Some birds, for example a penguin, cannot fly. Некоторые из птиц, например пингвин, не могут летать.
Some birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly. Некоторые птицы, например такой вид, как пингвин, летать не могут.
Все эти варианты приемлемы, но имеют несколько разный смысл.