Little boy Charlie Bucket is living in a very poor family. Seven people (boy, his parents, two grandfathers and two grandmothers) crammed into a small house on the outskirts of the city, one of the family only father Charlie has a job he twists the cork on a tube of toothpaste. The family can not afford the basic necessities in the house only one bed, on which there are four old man, the family is living hand to mouth, eats potatoes and cabbage. Charlie loves chocolate, but get it only once a year, one tile for my birthday, as a gift. Eccentric chocolate magnate Mr. Willy Wonka, who spent ten years in seclusion in his factory, announces that he wants to make a drawing of the five golden tickets that will allow five children to visit his factory. After the tour, each of them will receive a lifetime supply of chocolate, while one - will be rewarded with some special prize.
1. She drives as carefully as her husband. - Она водит машину также осторожно, как и её муж. She drives not so carefully as her husband. - Она водит машину не так осторожно, как её муж 2. It snowed as heavily yesterday as the day before yesterday. - Вчера был такой же сильный снег, как и позавчера. It snowed not so heavily yesterday as the day before yesterday. - Вчера был не такой сильный снег, как позавчера) 3. She likes her work as much as I do. - Она любит свою работу также как и я. She likes her work not so much as I do. - Она любит свою работу не так сильно как я. 4. A white collar worker gets not so much as a manual worker. 5. They don't speak English as well as they do Russian. - Они говорят по-английски не так хорошо, как по- русски. 6. She does her work as badly as before am I'm sure she will lose her job. - Она делает свою работу так же плохо, как и раньше, я уверен, что она потеряет свою работу. 7. I live not so far from the station as my friend does. - Я живу, не так далеко от станции, как мой друг. I live as far from the station as my friend does. - Я живу, так же далеко от станции, как и мой друг. 8. On Sundays we get up not so early as on weekdays. - По воскресеньям мы встаем не так рано, как в будни.
Eccentric chocolate magnate Mr. Willy Wonka, who spent ten years in seclusion in his factory, announces that he wants to make a drawing of the five golden tickets that will allow five children to visit his factory. After the tour, each of them will receive a lifetime supply of chocolate, while one - will be rewarded with some special prize.