let's see what the girl is wearing she is wearing a very beautiful multi colored skirt it fits her tell me? she is also wearing a white jacket that goes with her skirt as well as sneakers and a denim jacket these are just great combinations
Объяснение: я описала что надето на девушке вот как этот текст выглядит на русском давайте посмотрим что надето на девушке на ней одета очень красивая разноцветная юбка она ей подходит скажите же? также на ней одета белая кофта которая сочетается с её юбкой также кроссовки и джинсовая куртка это просто прекрасные сочетания. всего здесь 241 слово хахаха перестаралась кажись я
the map is shown on the map we see a city in this city under number 2 is a high rise under number 4 is a small market under number 6 is a building under number 7 is a Church and under number 10 is located 5 is a large supermarket and under number K 5 are 2 houses under number 6 is also houses are 2 flags under number 16 is 1 purple house under number 18 is a fountain under number 19 is also a house under number K 8 is also under number K 4 is also a house under number 13 is a stadium under number K 9 is a small house under number figure 12 is a school under the figure of 20 is a football field under figure 1 the numeral 3 is also at number 8 is the house at number twenty-two is the beach надеюсь норм