1 Когда ты встал? When did you get up?
2 Где ты встретил его первый раз? Where did you meet him for the first time?
3 Что именно тебе понравилось? What exactly did you like?
работу? How long time ago did you decided to change your job?
4 Как давно ты решил поменять работу? How long time ago did you decided to change your job?
5 Какого рода музыку ты обычно слушал? What kind of music did you usually listen to?
6 Почему ты не начал встречаться с ней? Why didn’t start dating with her?
7 Откуда он прибыл? Where did he come from?
8 Ты был один там? Were you alone there?
9 Как ты смог убедить его? How did you manage to persuade him?
10 Какая была их реакция? What was their reaction?
все просто
1) The boy likes the school.
2) Mary sees her mother every day.
3) My friends bring their children to our house on Saturdays.
4) The cat eats food quickly.
5) I often forget a pen.
6) You write in your book in the class.
7) We bring pencils to the class.
8) The men always brings their wives to the party.
9) Mr Adams teachs his class in the morning.
10) She likes to give presents to her friends.
I, You, We, They + глагол.
My friends bring their children to our house on Saturdays.
(My friends, можно заменить местоимением They )
He, She, It + глагол с окончанием s/ es.
She likes to give presents to her friends.
-What do you call a man with a bird sitting on his head?-Cliff.