Казахстан – земля родная
Очень любим мы тебя.
Море, горы, даль степная-
Это Родина моя!
Как велика моя земля,
Как широки ее просторы-
Озера, реки и поля,
Леса, и степь, и горы.
Облетал он сто земель.
Облетал, обходил,
Крылья, ноги натрудил.
Мы спросили журавля:
- Где же лучшая земля? -
Отвечал он, пролетая:
- Лучше нет родного края!
Kazakhstan, our native land !
We love you very much.
Sea, mountains, the steppe:
It is my Homeland!
How great is my land,
How wide are its expanses -
Lakes, rivers and fields,
Forests, the steppe, and mountains.
Crane, crane, crane!
He flew over a hundred lands.
Flew, and walked,
His wings, and feet got tired,
We asked the crane:
- Where's the best land? -
He answered, flying:
- There's nothing better than your home!
1) we went to several shops and at last came to the park gates.
2) moving over small bridges of canyons is very dangerous.
3) when we came to the cathedral there were many tourists.
4) the village we were looking for stood on the river.
5) going out of the dark places first get used to the sunlight.
6) there are nice roses growing in the green street.
7) during the storm the boat went down and .
8) many years ago there were no ships to go through the ice in antarctica.
9) walking under a ladder in considered bad luck in england.
10) the bus was moving away from the bus stop so we had to hurry