Our nature is good. Nature give us food and water. We live only because of it. But some people are very bad. They destroying the nature of our world. They kill animal species. They burning down forests. I would never do that. I love nature and will safe it!
Наша природа хороша. Природа даёт нам еду и воду. Мв живёт только благодаря ей. Но некоторые люди очень плохие. Они разрушают природу нашего мира. Они убивают виды животных. Сжигают леса. Я никогда этого бы не сделал(а). Я люблю природу и сохраню её!
A day to remember
I always loved dogs, but my parents kept telling me that I am not responsible enough to have one. One day I decided to collect enough money to buy a puppy for myself. Last September, I had the necessary sum and I found the puppy online. That evening I agreed the place and time to meet with the seller. In the morning, I told my parents that I need to see my friend but instead I went to the market and bought a dog from my dream. My parents were surprised but happy. My feelings are still too difficult to express. I am more than just happy. Moreover, I know that I am responsible enough to take care of a puppy.