Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use full/long forms. (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect)
Австралия — самый маленький и самый засушливый континент планеты, а также и самый плоский из всех известных в мире. Окружающие моря и океаны слабо влияют на климат внутренних районов, поэтому осадков там выпадает мало.
Около половины территории страны занимают пустыни и полупустыни. Но вдоль северо-восточного побережья, где чаще идут дожди, растут влажные тропические леса. По мере продвижения в глубь материка их сменяют светлые эвкалиптовые леса. Здесь растет несколько видов эвкалиптов. Листья и кора этих деревьев богаты эфирными маслами, которые широко применяются в медицине и технике.
Everything here has been very unpredictable and strange. Even the girl learned long poems and the multiplication table out she is sikos-nakos. Alice herself did not recognize, even decided that it is not she and the other girl. From the endless oddities and grief the main character was crying, aplakov lake in which I almost drowned. She discovered that not one shake in this strange lacrimal lake. Next to her snorted the Mouse. Alice, being a polite girl, I struck up a conversation with her, how embarrassing it would be to be silent. Unfortunately, she was talking about cats remembering their beloved pet back home. But, offended at the callousness of Alice, the Mouse went away.
1. is filming
2. brought
3. releases
4. had never eaten
5. was photographing; were performing
6. doesn't want
7. smells
8. doesn't believe
9. is it coming
10. was giving; was making
11. arrived
12. did you get back
13. realized, had forgotten
14. didn't take; had already done
15. haven't spoken; saw
16. hadn't stopped
17. open, close