I think that nowadays many people use the Internet to search for unknown words . But also, some people give their preference to ordinary dictionaries , which they used even earlier . In my opinion , their advantage is their reliability , because there all the words in the translation will be correct , also , we can always use ordinary dictionaries , regardless of the Internet .
Если вдруг понадобится перевод , то вот :
Я думаю , что сейчас многие люди используют интернет для поиска неизвестных слов. Но также некоторые люди отдают предпочтение обычным словарям , которыми они пользовались ранее . На мой взгляд , их преимущество в надежности , потому что там все слова в переводе будут правильными , к тому же мы всегда можем использовать обычные словари вне зависимости от интернета .
The koala is a marsupial species found in Australia. The only modern representative of the koala family of the order of two-pronged marsupials, koalas went unnoticed by the expedition of James Cook, who discovered the east coast of Australia in 1770. The first mention of them occurs in the account of John Price, a servant of the Governor of New South Wales, John Hunter, about a trip to the Blue Mountains in 1798. Price wrote that in the Blue Mountains there is an animal called the cullavine, which looks like a sloth. For science, the koala was discovered in 1802 by the naval officer Barralier, who discovered the remains of a koala among the aborigines and sent the animal's alcoholic limbs to Philip King, the governor of New South Wales. In June 1803, a live koala was caught south of Sydney, and on August 21, the Sydney Gazette published a detailed description of it. In 1808, koalas were identified as a species similar to wombats.
Within half a century of koalas were found only in the limits of New South Wales. In 1855, the naturalist William Blandowski met him in Victoria, and in 1923, O. Thomas-in the south-eastern part of Queensland.:Koalas have long, sharp claws that allow them to walk on tree trunks. Koalas are the only mammals other than primates that have fingerprints. They are so similar to humans that they are difficult to distinguish even under a powerful microscope. The weight of the koala's brain is only 0.2% of the animal's body weight. Scientists have found that the brain of the ancestors of koalas occupied the entire skull, but because of the food leaves gradually degraded to the current state. Frightened or injured koalas scream like little children. Koalas are motionless most of the day – even if they do not sleep, they sit in place for up to 18 hours a day.
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