Moscow, February 22. On the eve of February 23 the company "Medialogia" announced the list of the most popular men in the Russian media. The analysis involved more than 5 thousand. TV, radio, print and Internet publications and blogs. Top ranking headed by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, reports RSN.Places were allocated on the basis of information favored - complex index, which takes into account the frequency of mention of a person in the media, visibility and nature of these references, influence the media. Medvedev 1.5 times ahead of his nearest rival - Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The third line in the top ranked Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. The fourth and fifth places respectively housed Barack Obama and Sergei Sobyanin. It is worth noting that the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Cyril got 13th place.
Nevada asked if she was late.She said that she had come as quickly as she could. She added that she and her uncle had been to the theatre that evening. Gilbert was standing in the door with his mouth open. You asked me to come,said Nevada simply, and I came. You said so in your letter. Gilbert asked Nevada why she had sent for him and if she had read his letter. Nevada answered that she hadn't read his letter and that Barbara had read it to her. She added that in his letter Gilbert asked her to Come to his studio at twelve o'clock to night and not to be late and he should be waiting for her. Nevada added that she had thought he was ill but he looked quite well.
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