1) You can not enjoy this merry evening party because you have a toothache. If you didn't have a toothache, you could enjoy this merry evening party. (Или более длинный вариант: If you didn't have a toothache, you would be able to enjoy this merry evening party.)
2) You know the material well enough, but you are very absent-minded, and that’s why you always make many mistakes. If you weren't very absent-minded, you wouldn't make many mistakes.
Второй тип условных предложений в английском языке (Second Conditional) описывает нереальные ситуации в настоящем или будущем времени, вероятность которых очень мала.
Для Second Conditional правило образования совмещает время в условии и сослагательное наклонение в следствии. В условной части глагол ставится в Past Simple, а в части следствия появляется глагол would, после которого следует смысловой глагол в инфинитиве без частицы to. Особенностью этих предложений является то, что время глагола to be в условии ставится в форме were вне зависимости от числа и лица подлежащего.
В условных предложениях второго типа форму would могут заменять различные модальные глаголы - could, might, should.
1 A hurricane is one of the names of cyclonic storm that forms over the oceans. It is caused by evaporated water that comes from the ocean. Typhoon is another name for it.
2 Hailstorms are rain drops that have formed together into ice.
3 Floods are the result of prolonged rainfall from a storm, rapid melting of
large amounts of snow, or rivers which rise up their levels of water.
4 An earthquake is a phenomenon that results from a sudden release of stored energy that radiates seismic waves. It shows itself by a shaking of
the ground.
5 An avalanche is a slide of a large snow (or rock) mass down a mountainside. It is one of the major dangers faced in the mountains in winter.
. Lives
2. Paint, do
3. Furnished
4. Washed