At the age of 7 little robotics already know 3 kinds of levers (and you remember?) And they assemble ready-made robots for a lesson. Boys make sure that the batteries are disposed of exclusively in a special box, and not in a general waste bin. They, as adults, turn to the teacher only by name, but to “you”.
And they also know that when they grow up, they will build robots to help humanity. Young engineers dream of conquering space, defeating enemies and disturbers. Well, win the robot competitions. The Robotologist attended a robotics lesson and wrote down answers to the question about what kind of robots the guys dream of creating.
Я очень люблю день своего рождения. Это замечательное время, когда собираются все близкие. В обед приходят бабушки и дедушки. Они поздравляют меня, а я заранее вместе с мамой пеку торт и с радостью угощаю моих любимых родственников.
Вечером ко мне приходят друзья. Они всегда придумывают что-то интересное для меня. На последний день рождения они принесли большое количество надувных шаров. Это было замечательно! День рождения – отличный праздник, который всегда приносит лишь положительные эмоции.
I really love my birthday. This is a wonderful time when all loved ones gather. Grandparents come to dinner. They congratulate me, and I pre-bake a cake with my mother and gladly treat my beloved relatives.
In the evening friends come to me. They always come up with something interesting for me. On their last birthday, they brought a large number of balloons. It was wonderful! Birthday is a great holiday that always brings only positive emotions.
ответ:Grey Whale:Migrates from:Bering Sea
Time to journey:3 months
Arctic tern:Migrates to:Antarctic
Distance:12000 kilometres