What I Do In My Free Time Что я делаю в свободное время
It is natural that people need some time to relax and to do things they like. As for me, I have many interesting hobbies and free time activities, but unfortunately I don’t have much free time these days. I’m studying hard to pass the end of year exams, so I’m mostly busy.One of my all time hobbies is photography. I like capturing the surrounding nature and sometimes I get really nice shots. Apart from that, I like cooking. My specialty is spaghetti with Bolognese sauce. I cook this dish on special occasions and I also bake brownies. В комментарий я напишу переводI used to enter competitions. It was tough at first but I'm used to it now.
I spent about six months getting used to going everywhere in a wheelchair and then the doctor told me I was ready for an artificial leg. He fitted it a year ago and, at first, I found it really hard to use but I'm completely used to walking on it now.
I used to have a really active life. Apart from the surfing I used to go mountain biking and hiking. Of course, I'm not as quick as I used to be but I can still have fun. I haven't got used to going back into the sea yet.
1. Когда Нур-Султан станет ледяным городом? (In Nur-Sultan, 13 ice towns will appear by the New Year.)
2. Из чего люди делают скульптуры? (какие именно скульптуры ? )(Мрамор,Гранит,Металлы,Глина,Глина,Бронза,Стекло)
3. Что обычно представляют собой скульптуры? (Sculpture is a type of fine art, the works of which have a three-dimensional shape and are made of solid materials by carving)
4. Когда проходит Квебекский зимний карнавал? (The Quebec Carnival, which has been held intermittently since 1894, has been celebrated annually since 1955.)
5 Сколько дней это длится?(annual winter holiday. It usually starts on the first Friday in January and lasts for 17 days.)