Привет , Вадим, как у тебя дела? Мне так хочется с тобою поскорее увидеться, попоболтать. После вчерашнего разговора с тобой по сотовому у меня осталось чувство неудовлетворённости. Поговорили всего ничего, перекинулись фразами о делах, учёбе, а сумма набежала кругленькая.
А мне так много тебе нужно было рассказать. Я хочу поделиться своими впечатлениями от поездки в парк атракционов. « А почему бы не написать письмо?» - подумал я и взялся за дело-
Hi, Vadim, how are you doing? I so want to with you soon see, попоболтать. After yesterday's conversation with you on the cell phone has left me feeling of dissatisfaction. We talked nothing at all, spread phrases about business, education, and the amount of accrued tidy.
And I so much you had to tell. I want to share my impressions from the trip to the amusement Park. « Why not write a letter?» - I thought, and went for it.
1 A person who deals with office correspondence and records is a secretary or a clerk
2. A person whose job is to treat animals is a vet
3. A person who checks in and out books and give advice on what to read is a librarian
4. A person gets coal from under the ground is a miner
5. A person who loads and unloads ships in a port is a docker
6. A person whose job is to cook in a restaurant is a head- cook
7. A person who sells newspaper and magazine is a stall-keeper(киоскер)
8. A person who works in a government office is a politician
9. A person whose job is to help people buy and sell houses is a realtor
10. A person who designs is an architect or a designer
What color is his bag?
What are your favorite books?