I am Harry Potter, I am a wizard! I live with the Dursley family but mostly I live in Hogwarts and it's the best school I think! We usually have breakfast in the Great Hall. I like studying here! I study Herbology at the greenhouse three times a week and I study the night skies, I mean Astronomy, of course, every Wednesday at midnight. It's amazing! For sure we sometimes have free time and I usually play Quidditch. I love it! After dinner me and my friends meet in the common room and discuss different things. I always sleep in the house dormitory. I love magic! And I love Hogwarts!
1) ван хандрэд энд фёти ту
2) эйт хандрэд энд фоти ту
3) фри хандрэд оу файв
4) сыкс миллион
5) твэлф фаусэнд