Say one, false, or I dont know. 1) Dorothy wanted to find her friends as soon as possible.
2) The monkeys were ready to help.
3) The monkeys were glad that there was no Witch of the
West any more.
4). It was dillicult to repair the Tin Woodman.
5) It wasn't easy to find the Scarecrow.
6). A lot of smiths worked to repair the Scarecrow.
7) The Scarecrow thanked his friends.
8) The monkeys took the friends to the Emerald City very quickly.
90 The friends were very happy to be back to the Emerald City.
- Я советую прочитать вам вот эту книгу.- А какой жанр у этой книги?- Фантастика, мне она очень нравится.- Я не люблю фантастику.- Ну вот есть ещё одна книга про любовь, она заставлет переживать и задуматься о жизни- О, вот эту я прочитаю.
Думаю понравится)