He has been (Present Perfect); he was (Past Indefinite);
She has bought (Present Perfect); she bought (Past Indefinite);
They have done (Present Perfect); they did (Past Indefinite);
I have read [red] (Present Perfect); I read [red] (Past Indefinite);
You have seen (Present Perfect); I saw (Past Indefinite);
It have washed (Present Perfect); I washed (Past Indefinite);
They have read [red] (Present Perfect); they read [red] (Past Indefinite);
She has written (Present Perfect); she wrote (Past Indefinite);
We have cleaned (Present Perfect); we cleaned (Past Indefinite);
He has come (Present Perfect); he came (Past Indefinite);
We asked Ned some questions.
Q: ‘People (5) haven't heard your name. Why is that?
A: 'I love writing songs, but I (6) have never wanted to be famous. That's the superstar's job '
Q :(7) Have you won any gold discs?
A: ' Yes, I have. I've got twenty - but I (8) haven't put them on my office wall'.
Q: 'How long (9) have you been married ?'
A: 'Suzi and I (10) have lived together since the day we met in a reporting studio twenty years ago . We got married two weeks after we met -and we(11) haven't argued in twenty years.'