Correct the words that are in the incorrect plural. 1)lambs 2)dictionaryz 3)goslings 4)wife 5)toys 6)foxs 7)knives 8)classes 9)tooths 10)sheep 11)fish 12)calfs 13)kides 14)piglets 15)tomatoes 16)mouses
Holly: So what have you decided about your birthday party, Max? Max: Not much, Holly. To be honest, I haven’t thought about it at all. Holly: Well, it’s getting close, so you need to send out the invitations soon. By this Friday, really, to give people time to reply. Max: I don’t really know who to invite. My schoolfriends, of course, and Mark, Jack and Sean. Holly: And Tilly and her sister. Max: Yes. And Alicia. I hope she’ll be there. But I’d prefer not to have a huge number of guests. Holly: Twenty? Max: Not that many, if possible. It’s only a small flat, and I only really want my close friends there anyway. Holly: I can understand that. Max: Even so, some of them won’t know each other. My friends from round here aren’t the same kind of people as the ones from school. They like different things, really. 2 Holly: Well, that should make the party more fun! Max: Maybe, but it`ll make it harder to choose music that everyone likes. I’ll have to go down to the supermarket and buy some different kinds of music, to keep everyone happy. Holly: If I were you, I’d make my own CD. You’ve got some great music on your computer, and you could put lots of different things on it. Max: That’s true. Though not everyone will want to dance, or listen to music all the time. Maybe I should put a DVD on in another room? Holly: Not if it’s just any old movie. That would be like watching TV at home. Max: No, I was thinking of getting a new film that most people haven’t seen yet. Holly: That’s a good idea! There are sure to be some who’ll want to watch it. Max: Right. Holly: So the only thing left to decide, I think, is which day to have the party. Max: It’s got to be a weekend, so not the Thursday. Saturday would be best, I think. Holly: I agree the weekend’s best, but the problem is that lots of people will be away on the Saturday. Perhaps you should have it on the Friday? Max: I don’t know. Holly: I don’t think Alicia can come on the Saturday. Max: All right, then. I’ll have it the day before. Holly: I thought you might.
I like the whole Iron Man series but my favourite movie is Iron Man Three. I loved it from start to finish. The cast and characters were fantastic just like in the first two parts. This character, Iron Man, is portrayed by Robert Downey Junior. In the third part he confronts a villain named Mandarin. In the centre of this film there's relationship between Tony Stark and Pepper Potts and unlike the other parts of the series this one is a comedy film. There were a lot of action scenes, of course, that really had me on the edge of my seat for the most part.
2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 16
2) Единственное число: dictionary (словарь) Множественное число: dictionaries (словари)4) Единственное число: wife Множественное число: wives6) Единственное число: foxМножественное число: foxes9) Единственное число: toothМножественное число: teeth12) Единственное число: calfМножественное число: calves16) Единственное число: mouseМножественное число: miceЕсли - нажми )