1.I'd like to go on a journey through Africa and see the exotic animals in the wild . 2. Here to Park your car? 3.here it is impossible to pitch tents. It is dangerous. 4. Can I get a picture of this flower? 5. I'm addicted to fishing . This is a very peaceful/relaxing activities.-really? And I think it's very boring . 6. Let's go swimming!- sorry , I'm tired . I'd rather get a tan . 7. -I think my brother will become a veterinarian . He loves animals. 8. I'm sure you'll like this new book about the interesting travels in America. 9. What is it with Tanya?-she has a sore tooth . - she needs to see a doctor .- I think she will go to the doctor after school today.
There are many animals in the world: elephants, dogs ,cats. But my favorite animal is turtle. That little and green creature is very nice and shy animal. Turtels loves salat leaves , fruits or vegetables. But their favorite food is green apple and selery. I love turtles because they are slowly and shy. When there is danger , they are hiding in theire little houses wich they have on them selves. So, now i know that my favorite animal is green turtle. На свете очень много животных: слоны , собаки , кошки. Но мое любимое животное -это черепаха. Это маленькое, зеленое создание очень милые и застеньчевые животные. Черепахи любят салатные листья , фрукты и овощи , но их любимая еда - это зеленое яблоко и сельдерей. Я люблю черепах потому- что они медлительные и скромные животные. Когда они попадают в опасность, они прячуться в домик , который носят у себя на спине. Так что теперь вы знаете что мое любимое животное - это зеленая черепаха.
I will get up at five tomorrow.