1. Answer the questions:
1) What did Mr. Foge do on the board of the ship from Suez to Bomber?
2) How did Mr. Fogg and his servant travel across India?
3) Why did Mr. Fix decided to stay in Bomber?
4) Why did three Indians attack Jean Passepartout?
5) Why did Jean want his master to win his bet?
6) Why did the train conductor want the passengers to get out of the train?
1 Это письмо написано им.
2 Этот подарок сделан им? ( т.е. он сделал подарок?)
3 Эти дома построены не ими.
1 is eaten
2 is asked
A sound of violin is heard in the hall. Звук скрипки слышен в коридоре.
A sound of violin is being heard in the hall. Звук скрипки слышен в коридоре.
A sound of violin was heard in the hall. Звук скрипки был слышен в коридоре.
Am I woken up by my mother at 7 o'clock? Меня будит мама в 7 часов?
Was I woken up by my mother at 7 o'clock? Меня разбудила мама в 7 часов?
A very funny story isn't (wasn't) told to us. Очень смешную историю не рассказывают ( или не рассказывали) нам.