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27.05.2021 21:16 •  Английский язык

Где здесь герундий? 1. The brain has many different parts controlling different aspects of the body functions. 2. The cerebellum is located beneath theе рosterior рan of the cerebrum, its function being to aid in the coordination of onary moveтents and to maintain balance and muscular tone. 3. The Пalamus monitos the sensory stimuli we receive by suppressing some dhid magnitying others. 4. Professor told us about diagnosing the hypоphi- disunetions. 5. The proprioceptors in the muscles not only supply поmaion on the condition of the muscles, but aid in controlling the grgy and extent of muscular activity. 6. Paralysis often results tro e ging up of blood vessels, and consequent arrest of blood supply to an of the brain. ​

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1. Dad's car is much faster than mine.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the speed of Dad's car to mine using comparative form. The adjective "fast" needs to be transformed into the comparative form, which is "faster."

2. I think scuba diving is more fascinating than climbing.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the level of fascination between scuba diving and climbing using comparative form. The adjective "fascinating" needs to be transformed into the comparative form, which is "more fascinating."

3. His thirst grew bigger and bigger.
To complete this sentence, we need to describe the growth of his thirst using the positive, comparative, and superlative forms of the adjective "big." The positive form is "big," the comparative form is "bigger," and the superlative form is "biggest." In this case, we use the comparative form twice to show the increasing intensity of his thirst.

4. He thinks this test was more difficult than the last one.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the level of difficulty between this test and the last one using comparative form. The adjective "difficult" needs to be transformed into the comparative form, which is "more difficult."

5. They live in a really beautiful house.
To complete this sentence, we need to describe the house using the positive form of the adjective "beautiful."

6. She is the best tennis player in the world.
To complete this sentence, we need to describe her as the best tennis player compared to everyone else in the world. The adjective "good" needs to be transformed into the superlative form, which is "best."

7. Susan is a much nicer girl than her sister.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the level of niceness between Susan and her sister using comparative form. The adjective "nice" needs to be transformed into the comparative form, which is "nicer."

8. This suitcase is heavier than the others.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the weight of this suitcase with the weight of the others using comparative form. The adjective "heavy" needs to be transformed into the comparative form, which is "heavier."

9. Hotels in London are more expensive than in Vienna.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the cost of hotels in London with the cost of hotels in Vienna using comparative form. The adjective "expensive" needs to be transformed into the comparative form, which is "more expensive."

10. Bob is taller than Keith, but Phil is the tallest.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the heights of Bob, Keith, and Phil using positive, comparative, and superlative forms of the adjective "tall." The positive form is "tall," the comparative form is "taller," and the superlative form is "tallest."

11. Doris reads more books than Peter, but Frank reads the most.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the number of books read by Doris, Peter, and Frank using positive, comparative, and superlative forms of the adjective "many." The positive form is "many," the comparative form is "more," and the superlative form is "most."

12. France is as beautiful as Spain.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the beauty of France and Spain using comparative form. The adjective "beautiful" is used in its positive form without any change.

13. They live in a big house, but Fred lives in a bigger one.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the sizes of the houses using comparative form. The adjective "big" is used in its positive and comparative forms, "big" and "bigger," to describe the houses respectively.

14. My sister is three years younger than me.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the age difference between my sister and myself using comparative form. The adjective "young" needs to be transformed into the comparative form, which is "younger."

15. This was the worst film I have ever seen.
To complete this sentence, we need to describe the film using the superlative form of the adjective "bad." The superlative form is "worst."

16. I think tennis is more interesting than cycling.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the level of interest between tennis and cycling using comparative form. The adjective "interesting" needs to be transformed into the comparative form, which is "more interesting."

17. I talked to Claire and she is a very smart girl.
To complete this sentence, we need to describe Claire using the positive form of the adjective "smart."

18. His company earned less money than in the years before.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the amount of money earned by his company in different years using comparative form. The adjective "little" needs to be transformed into the comparative form, which is "less."

19. She was the most popular girl at college.
To complete this sentence, we need to describe her as the most popular girl compared to all the other girls at college. The adjective "popular" needs to be transformed into the superlative form, which is "most popular."

20. They didn't stay out as late as last Saturday.
To complete this sentence, we need to compare the lateness of their stay on different occasions using comparative form. The adjective "late" needs to be transformed into the comparative form, which is "later."
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Хорошо, давайте разберемся с задачей. Задание просит вас прочитать обзор снова и отметить предложения как T (True – правда), F (False – неправда) или DS (Doesn’t say – неизвестно).

Первым делом, найдите страницу 46 в вашей учебнике и откройте задание 2 на этой странице. Там будет обзор, который вам нужно прочитать еще раз.

После прочтения обзора, вам нужно будет идентифицировать каждое предложение и решить, является ли оно правдивым (T), ложным (F) или неизвестным (DS). Но для этого вам понадобится информация из обзора.

Когда вы отмечаете предложения как T (True), F (False) или DS (Doesn’t say), важно обосновать свой ответ. Это означает, что вы должны дать пояснение или привести доказательства из обзора, почему вы сделали выбор.

Чтобы сделать это задание более понятным, я могу привести пример. Предположим, в обзоре есть предложение: "This book includes exercises for both advanced and beginner students." (Эта книга содержит упражнения как для продвинутых, так и для начинающих студентов). Если это предложение подтверждается в тексте обзора, вы можете отметить его как T (True). Если, например, обзор упоминает только продвинутых студентов, а не начинающих, то вы можете отметить его как F (False). Если в тексте нет информации о том, для каких студентов предназначена книга, вы можете отметить его как DS (Doesn’t say).

Выполняя задачу, будет полезно возвращаться к обзору и обращать внимание на ключевые фразы, факты или детали, которые могут помочь вам определить правильный ответ. Также будьте внимательны к отрицаниям или утверждениям, которые могут быть неясны.

И помните, что вы можете использовать ваши предыдущие знания или косвенные выводы, чтобы принять решение, если в обзоре нет явного ответа.

Надеюсь, это пошаговое решение и объяснение помогут вам выполнить задание "Ex. 2 p. 46" студенческой книги. Не стесняйтесь задавать дополнительные вопросы, если что-то непонятно. Удачи!
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