1. Существует два типа, известные как положительные и отрицательные заряды, которые существуют во всех и во всех вещества твердого вещества, жидкости и газа.
2. Электроны могут быть удалены из атомов и превращены в при различных электрических явлениях.
3. Положительные и отрицательные заряды друг друга в значительной степени, и никаких электрических эффектов.
4. Твердые частицы, жидкости и газы могут все электрический ток, если есть достаточно электронов или ионов.
5. Полиэтилен имеет положительный заряд и действует на отрицательные заряды бумаги.
6. Силы электростатического и между объектами вызваны связанными с ними полями .
7. Сила пропорциональна зарядам, а пропорциональна квадрату расстояния между ними.
1"I usually use the Internet to download music and films," he said.
б He said that he usually used the Internet to download music and films.
2"Has your brother repaired his tablet?" she asked me.
в She asked whether my brother had repaired his tablet.
3"She wasn't listening to music on her mobile at this time yesterday," they said.
в They told me that she hadn't been listening to music on her mobile at that time the day before.
4"Let's watch a film on my new Smart TV," he suggested.
а He suggested watching a film on his new Smart TV.
5"Shall I give them the news?" she asked.
б She asked if she should give them the news.
6"Don't buy this laptop," he told me.
в He told me not to buy that laptop.
7"They are downloading a new film now," she said.
а She said that they were downloading a new film then.
1. 1 doing morning exercises.
2. He works at the factory.
3. She sleeps after dinner.
4. We work part-time.
5. They drink tea every day.
6. Mike is a student.
7. Helen bought a car.
8. You were a good friend.
9. You were a good friend. [у тебя повторяется]
10. it was hard to remember everything.