It’s a well-known fact that a family plays a great role in our life. Each person gets from his family the best things he can ever get: selfless love, boundless hope, reliable support and deep understanding.
What is more, our family teaches us to love, be kind, caring and honest. But, if somebody asks me why I love my family, I won’t find the answer. There are no reasons for love: they are my dearest people and that’s enough.
My family is not huge. It consists of mom, my dad, grandmother, grandfather and me. To my mind, all of them have some common character traits. They are caring, cheerful, reliable and trustworthy. I appreciate these things very much.
As for my mom, she is also straightforward, responsible and patient. I think she is a woman of an action. My mother works for an international company as an accountant. My mom is a good-looking woman with wavy long hair falls over her shoulders. She is brunette, her eyes are green and blue. I suppose we look alike.
My dad is a middle-aged man with black hair and hazel eyes. He is very kind and even-tempered person. Sometimes he can be obstinate, but all his thoughts and ideas are full of sense. I get along with him. My father has his own business and I want to follow in his footsteps.
What about my grandparents, they are senior citizens. My grandfather is in his eighties and my grandmother is under seventy. They still have a twinkle in their eyes. My grandparents are quite energetic people. My grandfather is very hardworking and easy-going personality. He is friendly, confident, honest and practical. I can also say that my grandfather is good-humored and I like this trait very much.
My grandmother looked beautiful in her youth. She had not long, but rich chestnut hair. She is frank and reasonable. I miss my grandparents very much because they live away from me. I always look forward to meeting with them.
In conclusion, I want to say that my family gave me a lot and I appreciate it very much. I think there are no other people in the world I would love more.
Термодинамиканың екінші заңы бойынша жылу салқын жүйеден жылы жүйеге берілуі қалай жүзеге асады?Жүйенің күйін сипаттайтын термодинамикалық параметрлерді анықта.
температура мен қысым
қысым, көлем, температура
қысым мен көлем
көлем мен температура
екінші заңының бастамасын көрсет.
термодинамикалық процесте энергияның сақталуы
термодинамикада энергияның бір түрден екінші түрге өзгеруі
тұйық жүйеде термодинамикалық процестердің бағыттылығы
ішкі энергияның жұмысқа түрленуі
сории мне ответы тоже нужны!
1.got/had started
3.saw/ was crossing
4.had been painting/ came
5.was lying/was weeding
6.bought/had been looking
8.was dusting/ broke
9.had never been
10.were studying/ went
11.didn't ring/ was
12.had been working/ went
13.weren't sleeping/ returned
14.when did they visit
15.was writing
16.didn't pay/didn't pay
17.went/was shining/ was
18.had never seen
20.had bee waiting/ appeared
21.were rollerblading/ phoned
23.did you spend
24.were sitting/ heard
25.had packed
26.had been sunbathing/ started