Comprehensive research is one of the key ingredients in the recipe success. 2 New business practices are often a result of changes the industry. 3 A great candidate will have prepared a response every possible interview question. 4 Prepare well so that the interviewer's questions don't catch you guard. 5 Dress to impress. Employers are generally keen .. . applicants who look smart.
A Russian military fort was built at Maykop in 1857.[12]
In 1911, oil deposits were discovered in the vicinity of Maykop.[citation needed]
In 1936, Maykop and the surrounding region was merged with Adyghe Autonomous Oblast, and became the administrative centerof the autonomy. Maykop was occupied by the Wehrmacht on August 9, 1942 without a fight as a result of Brandenburger commandooperation. In January 1943, it was liberated by the Transcaucasian Front of the Red Army.
Since 1991, Maykop has been the capital of the Republic of Adygea in the Russian Federation.