1) She had been planting (Oна устала. Она сажала цветы всё утро .)
2) I was playing (я играл(а) в волейбол, когда мяч ударил меня по голове
3) ...he had finished (Его вещи были грязными , потому что он закончил красить стены)
4) my parents bought (когда мне было пять лет, мои родители купили мне пианино)
5) Ким was dancing (Kим танцевала, когда ее муж открыл дверь .)
6) He had been cutting ( Он подстригал траву уже в течение часа, когда внезапно газонокосилка сломалась.)
7) First I took off (Сначала я снял(а) пальто, а затем я пошёл (пошла) в ванную комнату.)
8) She forgot everything she had studied (Она забыла все, что она учила в автошколе.)
2. I couldn’t find my umbrella, but then I remembered that my sister had taken it to school.
3. Frank took the candle and walked downstairs.
4. We had been taking the exam for 2 hours when a policeman entered the room.
5. I saw Sam in the kitchen. He was washing his hands.
6. They washed their windows last spring.
7. By the time I came home Jane had already washed the dishes.
8. His wife had been washing the mushrooms since the early morning, so he decided to help her.
9. By midnight he had done all the work.
10. I was doing my homework when you phoned.
11. Dad had been doing that crossword since morning.
12. She did her hair and left for work.