Как оставаться здоровым
Чтобы оставаться здоровым нужно:
1) соблюдать режим дня ( желательно)
2) правильно питаться ( можно употреблять fast food, но не злоупотреблять им и есть как можно реже)
3) заниматься спортом, хотя бы несколько раз в неделю делать какую нибудь разминку или зарядку, а лучше всего конечно будет записаться на какую нибудь спортивную секцию
4) раз в год или полгода принимать витамины, для того чтобы укреплять иммунную систему( но это ы принципе не обязательно)
5) не заводить себе вредных привычек, а если есть, то постараться как можно быстрее от них избавится
6) проводить как можно больше времени на свежем воздухе ( хотя бы около 1-2 часов)
1. Прослушайте и поворите (далее идут числительные)
2. Вставьте прпущенные. цмфры
1 one,two, > three,four
2 one,four, seven,ten
3 ten,eight, six, four
4 two, four,six,eight
3. Найдите цифры
1) One
2) Four
3) Six
4) Nine
5) Ten
6) Three
4. Решите примеры
3) 6 + 2 = 8 (three plus two equals eight)
4) 9 -1 = 8 (nine minus one equals eight)
5) 5 + 1 = 6 (five plus one equals six)
6) 3 + 2 = 5 (three plus two equals five)
7) 10-1 = 9 (ten minus one equals nine)
8) 3 - 2 = 1 (three minus two equals one)
9) 6 + 4 = 10 (six plus four equals ten)
10) 8 - 1 = 7 (eight minus one equals seven)
6. Назовите русские имена
Boys: Sasha, Slava, Peter, Ivan
Girls: Mary, Sasha, Anya, Olga, Daria
Послушайте и повторите
Напишите свое имя по-английски
7. Спросите и ответьте
A: What's your name?
B: My name is Linda.
A: How do you spell it?
B: L-I-N-D-A
A: And how old are you, Linda?
B: I'm six.
A: What's your name?
B: My name is Peter
A: How do you spell it?
B: P-e-t-e-r.
A: And how old are you, Peter?
B: I'm four.
A: What's your name?
B: Anya.
A: How do you spell it?
B: A-n-y-a.
A: And how old are you, Anya?
B: I'm ten.
A: What's your name?
B: Ivan
A: How do you spell it?
B: I-V-A-N.
A: And how old are you, Ivan ?
B: I'm nine.
A person's life is quite short and it is not worth spending it on useless things, such as drinking alcohol or drugs. Everyone can take care of their health, and this concern is not only about healthy eating, but also about playing sports.
There are many sports that will keep an adult in shape, and a child to develop and form a sporty physique. It all starts with childhood, the love of sports should appear in these years. When a teenager is passionate about sports, it is much less likely that he will fall under the bad influence of the street. Playing any sport, in addition to good physical shape, also brings up discipline. For example, giving a child to play sports, it will immediately become noticeable that he acquires a certain discipline and is always ready to be responsible for his actions and actions.
Sports can change the lives of teenagers, as well as adults, but it is more logical to talk about children, because they are the hope of the country and support, and we would not want the younger generation to lead an unhealthy lifestyle. First of all, from childhood, the child should be encouraged to play sports by parents, and it is important to understand that sports should be enjoyed. After all, the factor that the child is forcibly driven to the sports section will have a very bad effect. You need to understand and understand what the child likes. Do not torment him, for example, with boxing, maybe the child wants to engage in team sports. And in general, it does not matter, maybe a person will like chess or billiards. And this is also good, because the child will not disappear on the street and is unlikely to get into any trouble.
Today, a lot of children and young people are engaged in sports. If you compare the time 15-20 years ago, then gatherings with wine and drugs were more popular, now a healthy lifestyle is beginning to revive. Of course, people's consciousness must work here, but not only that. The Government of the country should also participate in this. We need to build sports grounds, stadiums, and invest in the development of sports in difficult regions.