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а. everyone is going to like you. b. how other people view you. c. kind of scary. d. it can be there forever. e. bad decisions sometimes. f. in front of a wide audience of people

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I have never taken part in marathons.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past experiences or actions that started in the past and continue up to the present. The correct form of the verb "take" in the present perfect tense is "have never taken."

He has finished his work. Why don’t we invite him out?

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have an impact on the present. The correct form of the verb "finish" in the present perfect tense is "has finished."

Why has he been so sad recently?

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions or states that have a connection to the present. The correct form of the verb "be" in the present perfect tense is "has he been."

We have moved to France recently.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have an impact on the present. The correct form of the verb "move" in the present perfect tense is "have moved."

Brian hasn’t started his new project yet.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have an impact on the present. The correct form of the verb "start" in the present perfect tense is "hasn’t started."

I have had a computer since I was three.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions or states that have a connection to the present. The correct form of the verb "have" in the present perfect tense is "have had."

The students have just completed their essays.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have just happened. The correct form of the verb "complete" in the present perfect tense is "have just completed."

He hasn’t sold his cottage yet.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have an impact on the present. The correct form of the verb "sell" in the present perfect tense is "hasn’t sold."

Sean hasn’t seen his sister in the last few days.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions or states that have a connection to the present. The correct form of the verb "see" in the present perfect tense is "hasn’t seen."

Have you ever won the lottery?

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past experiences or actions that started in the past and continue up to the present. The correct form of the verb "win" in the present perfect tense is "Have you ever won."

We have already chosen some furniture for our new flat.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have an impact on the present. The correct form of the verb "choose" in the present perfect tense is "have already chosen."

She hasn’t found a job so far.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions or states that have a connection to the present. The correct form of the verb "find" in the present perfect tense is "hasn’t found."

Tom and I have been friends since childhood.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions or states that have a connection to the present. The correct form of the verb "be" in the present perfect tense is "have been."

Lisa and Frank have been married for two years now.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions or states that have a connection to the present. The correct form of the verb "be" in the present perfect tense is "have been."

Nick has never seen a live football match before.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past experiences or actions that started in the past and continue up to the present. The correct form of the verb "see" in the present perfect tense is "has never seen."

Has the rain stopped yet?

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions or states that have a connection to the present. The correct form of the verb "stop" in the present perfect tense is "Has the rain stopped."

Are you going anywhere this summer? Yes, we have booked a trip to Italy.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have an impact on the present. The correct form of the verb "book" in the present perfect tense is "have booked."

Look! The car has just crashed into the wall.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have just happened. The correct form of the verb "crash" in the present perfect tense is "has just crashed."

Where is your purse? I have lost it.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions or states that have a connection to the present. The correct form of the verb "lose" in the present perfect tense is "have lost."

Do we need any tomatoes? No, I have already bought some.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have an impact on the present. The correct form of the verb "buy" in the present perfect tense is "have already bought."

What a pity! Ted has just broken his tennis racket.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have just happened. The correct form of the verb "break" in the present perfect tense is "has just broken."

Have you helped your sister with the washing–up?

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions or states that have a connection to the present. The correct form of the verb "help" in the present perfect tense is "Have you helped."

My wife has already sent invitations for the party.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have an impact on the present. The correct form of the verb "send" in the present perfect tense is "has already sent."

They haven’t prepared for the exams yet.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions or states that have a connection to the present. The correct form of the verb "prepare" in the present perfect tense is "haven’t prepared."

Oxford University Press has published thousands of books.

This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about past actions that have an impact on the present. The correct form of the verb "publish" in the present perfect tense is "has published."
4,5(52 оценок)
Для ответа на данный вопрос необходимо прослушать диалог и определить, принимает ли Мари приглашение Дина. Давайте разберемся подробнее.

1. Мы видим, что на картинке есть два человека, Мари и Дин. Мари выглядит сомневающейся/нерешительной.

2. Возможно, нам придется включить аудио, чтобы услышать диалог между Мари и Дином. Вот ссылка на файл с аудио: [вставьте ссылку на аудиофайл]

3. Начинаем прослушивание аудио. Важно слушать внимательно, чтобы уловить все детали и понять, как Мари отвечает на приглашение Дина.

4. Можно использовать следующую стратегию для анализа диалога:
- Записывайте ключевые слова или фразы, которые произносятся в аудио. Например, "приглашение", "согласиться", "отказаться" и т.д.
- Обратите внимание на интонацию и эмоциональную окраску голоса Мари при ответе на вопрос Дина.
- Проявите внимательность к мелким деталям, таким как паузы, длина ответа и т.д. Они могут дать дополнительную информацию о том, как Мари относится к приглашению.

5. Когда закончите прослушивание, переходим к анализу полученной информации. Необходимо ответить на вопрос: приняла ли Мари приглашение Дина?

6. Подробно объясните свой ответ, используя доказательства из аудио. Можно ссылаться на фразы, интонацию или эмоциональную окраску Мари.

7. Окончательно сформулируйте свой ответ, как "Да, Мари приняла приглашение Дина" или "Нет, Мари не приняла приглашение Дина". Обоснуйте ваш ответ с использованием всех найденных доказательств.

Используя этот подход, вы сможете максимально детально и обстоятельно ответить на данный вопрос и убедиться, что ваш ответ будет понятен школьнику.
4,4(49 оценок)
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