Music is magic that is accessible to everyone. She surrounds us everywhere: in the store, in the subway and just on the street you can hear her motives. It's hard for me to say what kind of music I like. But of course I give preference to popular foreign music. My favorite singer is Kane Brown. His work, in my opinion, is filled with deep meaning and emotions.I especially like his song "Cool Again". I love listening to music anytime. When I clean the house, I listen loudly to my favorite songs, dancing and singing. My phone is filled with lots of different music. So she is always with me and from this it is more fun to go through life.
Музика - це магія, яка доступна кожному. Вона оточує нас всюди: в магазині, в метро і просто на вулиці можна почути її мотиви. Мені важко сказати, яка музика мені подобається. Але звичайно я віддаю перевагу популярній зарубіжній музиці. Мій улюблений співак - Кайн Браун. Його робота, на мою думку, наповнена глибоким змістом та емоціями. Особливо мені подобається його пісня "Cool Again". Я люблю слухати музику в будь-який час. Коли прибираю будинок, я голосно слухаю улюблені пісні, танцюю та співаю. Мій телефон наповнений великою кількістю різної музики. Тож вона завжди зі мною і від цього веселіше пройти життя.
1. b) These sweets are for us
c) He loves playing it
d) I don't remember it
e) Look at him
f) I love her
g) He reads them during breakfast
h) Wait for her in the hall
2. Mariam can type fast
3. My sister can do these exercises easily
4. Students study hard for their exams
5. The new worker works very slowly
6. I sleep badly when I eat a lot
7 . My mother cooks very good.
8. Karim is a successful businessman. He works hard.
in: the evening, the spring
on: Friday, the weekend, Monday afternoon, 13th November
at: night, seven o'clock
a) ugly
b) big
c) sad
d) same
e) old
f) young
g) wet
h) low
visited didn'twanteddidn'twaiteddidn'tuseddidn't8.
a) three years ago
b) last month
c) last Sunday
d) thirty minutes ago
e) last August
f) two weeks ago
g) yesterday evening
arrived (R)
played (R)
decided (R)
fell (I)
went (I)
washed (R)
woke up (I)
took (I)
wanted (R)
sold (I)
walked (R)
wore (I)
became (I)
1 The Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama had not seen penguins before he travelled to South Africa in 1497. X
2 After he had made a pilgrimage to the city of Mecca in 1325, Ibn Battuta decided to become an explorer.
3 Many explorers had tried to climb Mount Everest before Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary reached the peak in 1953. ✓
4 People in Europe had not eaten potatoes until Christopher Columbus brought some from America. X
5 More than 400 years after Magellan had sailed around the world, the US submarine Triton made a similar journey underwater .
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