Контрольная Вариант 1
Задача 1. Задавайте общие вопросы на английском языке
1. На море обычно ветрено.
2. У него сегодня восемь уроков.
3. Она очень хорошо говорит по-итальянски.
4. Его брат бросил школу в году.
5. Сейчас они пишут тест.
Задача 2. Задайте специальный вопрос на английском языке
1. - …? - В парк. (В воскресенье они пошли в парк.)
Task 3. Complete the sentences with a question tag.
1. Bob drinks a lot of tea,
2. Helen drank a lot of coffee, …?
3. The Smirnovs have never been to Murmansk, …?
4. There is a lot of snow there,
5. He didn't tell anybody about his plans, …?
Task 6. Read the text and fill in the blanks.
A school, like any other organized group or community, must have basic rules and procedures
ifit is to function effectively.
Here are some of the regulations functioning at Lawnswood School in Leeds.
1. … school dress must be worn on all school occasions.
2. Bicycles shall not be … in the school grounds.
3. Ball games may not be played in areas close to windows.
4. Radios and tape-recorders of any type … be brought to school.
5. No pupil … to smoke on the school premises or on school visits, or to bring cigarettes, … or
lighters onto school premises. Chewing-gum is not allowed in school.
6. Pupils must move about the corridors and staircases in an … manner; running in corridors and
on staircases.
Vocabulary to choose from: unprotected, ridden, is allowed, matches, orderly, must not,
1. I never take part in any competitions.
2. Sometimes I win the competition.
3. If you don't believe in your luck, you can miss a very good chance.
4. I'm afraid he has already missed his chance.
5. Every leaf means a lucky month in the next year.
6. What gave a new beginning to the history of long distance communication?
7. Does she mind his travelling by air?
8. Is she going to give up playing tennis?
9. I hope to win the Round-the-World tour.
10. I think computers are waste of time because children become nervous, angry and tired.