1) You shouldn't go there in winter because it's very cold
2) you can find there pine and birch trees
3) you can see beautiful lakes from mountain beautiful lakes
4) it's called 'pearl of Khazakhstan' because it's very unique and beautiful place
• beautiful = attractive, pretty, pleasing, gorgeous, charming, stunning, graceful, irresistible
• amazing = astonishing, surprising, stunning, awesome, remarkable, exciting, incredible, wonderful, marvelous, thrilling, mindblowing
• great = considerable, extraordinary, special
• surprised = amazed , astonished , shoked
Healthy food
Tomato soup.
Ingredients :
850 grams of tomatoes in their own juice
100 grams of spaghetti
150 grams of onions
2 cloves garlic
100 grams of carrots
greens to taste
vegetable oil
Onions and garlic should be finely chopped, lightly fried in oil, add grated carrots, stew. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Stew for 5-7 minutes, add the greens, beat everything in a blender. If it turns out very thick, you can add a little water. Do not forget to salt. Boil the spaghetti separately until cooked, drain the water and add to the soup.
Томатный суп. Для этого надо:
850 грамм помидоров в собственном соку
100 грамм спагетти
150 грамм лука
2 зубчика чеснока
100 грамм моркови
зелень по вкусу
растительное масло
Лук и чеснок необходимо мелко нарезать, слегка обжарить на масле, добавить натертую морковь, потушить. С помидоров снять кожицу, порезать и вместе с соком отправить к овощам. Тушим минут 5-7, добавляем зелень, смешиваем все на блендере. Если получилось слишком густо, можно добавить немного воды. Не забудьте посолить. Спагетти отварить отдельно до готовности, слить воду и добавить в суп.
My Favourite Singer
My favourite singer is Max Korzh.
Max was born in Luninets, a town in Brest Region, in 1988. In 2012 he recorded his first album, "Animal World" ("Животный мир"). Since that time Korzh has recorded five albums and had more than 20 music videos released. Max has already received several music awards.
In my opinion, Max is the most popular Belarusian rap/hip-hop singer at the moment. We, teenagers, like his songs because he sings about problems that are important to us, about family, friendship, motivation in life and he finds simple words to describe these problems.