Task 2: Answer the questions: (Постарайтесь голосовым сообщением ответить на вопросы)
1. Have you ever felt an earthquake? If 'yes', when? Describe it.
2. Do you enjoy watching disaster movies? Why?/ Why not?
3. Do you think it's important to think about disasters? Why? / Why not?
4. What are some examples of man-made disasters?
5. What can we do to stop an asteroid from hitting the earth?
6. What telephone number should we call if there is a fire in your building?
7. Do you ever worry about airplane crashes when you fly? Why?
8. What are some examples of natural disasters?
9. What are some ways a fire can start?
10. Do you think warmer temperature and melting ice can cause floods in the
ask 3: Complete the 15 sentences with the words on the left.
heck youself with answers in Video link.
fault of people have disappeared or are on the verge of the disappearance of many species of plants and animals. economic human activities leads to the contamination of water and air, the death of wildlife, and it's first of all, harm to his own health. how it is necessary to treat the nature of that she died? if you took something from the Earth, give it. plant a tree, почисти spring, подкорми birds. let's also try to live so that the land around US remained generous, a great to журчали on it clean Brooks, Bloom Gardens, sang birds.