I play computer games on my new laptop.
I haven't got yet a new phone because I didn't learn enough.
I loev to listen to the music on my mp3 player.
I carry usually my vallet in deep pocket.
I prefer to learn English than French.
I don't live in big city. It''s rather small town.
I earn lots of money as a doctor in the future.
I don't need new clothes but I need to meet my friends every day.
I don't speak German fluently.
I like to study because my teachers are nice and clever.
I wear sunglasses when I'm on holidays.
I don't wear skirts and dresses.
I want to make more friends over the internet.
1. I usually get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. Present Simple - регулярно повторяющееся действие
2. Nick is feeding his dog now. Present Continuous - действие происходит сейчас
3. I'll go to my doctor tomorrow. Future Simple- действие будет сделано в будущем
4. My sister didn't drink coffee yesterday. Past Simple- действие не сделано в
5. My friends were doing their homework at 7 o'clock yesterday. Past Continuous- действие происходило вчера в 7 вечера
6. I have already done my homework. Present Perfect- действие уже сделано
7. She has just cleaned her room. Present Perfect- действие сделано только что
8. I am doing the test now. Present Continuous- действие происходит сейчас
9. You played chess last week. Past Simple - действие произошло на неделе.
Выделила жирным шрифтом сам глагол и слово-индикатор времени, оно правильно определить время глагола.
The car is in the city.
ответ: the most expensive