There are a lot of criminals, especially in large cities Some of them steal purses or wallets from the pockets in the queues or in the public transport. Another are shoplifters, they steal products from different shops and supermarkets. Sometimes there are murders in the cities. Very often young people drink alcohol in bars and night clubs, then they fight, cut each other with knives or even use guns. It's terrible. Fortunately, this happen not so often. If you become the witness of any crime, call the police.
I went to see my friend after I had had dinner.
(Я пошел к своему другу после того, как пообедал.)
I watched TV after I had done my homework.
(Я смотрел телевизор после того, как сделал домашнее задание.)
They went home after they had finished work.
(Они пошли домой после того, как закончили работу.)
He phoned me after he had come.
(Он позвонил мне после того, как пришел.)
She went to dance after she had cleaned the room.
(Она пошла танцевать после того, как убрала комнату.)
We wrote a composition after we had read the book.
(Мы написали сочинение после того, как прочитали книгу.)
They rebuilt the house after they had returned from Australia.
(Они перестроили дом после того, как вернулись из Австралии.)
We went for a walk after we had gone shopping.
(Мы пошли гулять после того, как сходили за покупками.)
Past Perfect образуется при вс глагола had и третьей формы смыслового глагола (V3).
Past Perfect употребляется, когда говорят о действии, которое закончилось к определенному моменту времени в (или перед началом другого действия в ).
1 - 4
2 - 1
3 - 2
4 - 3