1. You had better hurry or you'll miss the bus.
[had better - конструкция, переводящаяся как "лучше бы"]
2. My dad has to wear a uniform because he's firefighter.
[have to/has to = must, но проблема в том, что must используется без to]
3. We've just eaten. I think we need to have a rest before we swim again.
[need to + глагол - конструкция, need + дополнение - конструкция]
4. 14-years-olds are/aren't(зависит от страны) allowed to drive. [Passive Voice]
5. You needn't buy me a present for my birthday. I don't really want anything.
6. Parents always tell their children that they mustn't lie to them.
A) Quote 1:
I agree with the quote for two reasons. Firstly, we should never forget that our income and financial stability determine our expenses. If we have much money, we can afford a lot. For example, we can travel to exotic countries or eat out in the best restaurants, we can afford expensive brands and send our children to the best schools.
Secondly, our material status influences our way of thinking. A rich person feels satisfied, he is happy with what he has, and he doesn't worry about his financial instability or his hungry children.
1: Young