Beautiful winter forest! And its inhabitants are interesting. When you enter the forest, it's like a winter Wonderland. Each branch is covered with a thin layer of pure snow. From afar it seems that everything is in silver. When you walk through the forest-from afar it seems that everywhere white animals, but when you come closer-a usual snowdrift with a twig. How beautiful!
Прекрасный зимний лес! И его обитатели интересны. Когда вы входите в лес, он похож на зимнюю страну чудес. Каждая ветка покрыта тонким слоем чистого снега. Издалека кажется, что все в серебре. Когда идешь по лесу-издалека кажется, что повсюду белые животные, но когда подходишь ближе-обычный сугроб с веткой. Как красиво!
2) the most famous is the red crab.
3) they made the crabs their own bridges and roads.
4) every moai has a giant head, nose and mouth and their body is hidden underground.
5) they were made by the Rapa Nui people.