3 Complete the sentences with the pairs of adjectives in exercise 2. and the other side is 1 On the moon, one side is 2 A thousand kilograms is. and a gram is 3 The Amazon River is very In comparison the River Thames is quite 4 A desert is very In comparison a rainforest is very 5 The kite was caught in a really branch. Luckily, there was a branch so I could climb up the tree. 6 I can't swim so I don't like water. I prefer water where I can put my feet on the bottom. 7 The streets in old towns are often very but in modern towns they are often very with space for cars.
2) I will feel myself protected, stop worrying about money and the future!
3) I will Have a lot of time and money to do a massage, spa procedures, beauty salon, shopping, and other joys of life!
4) I will be able to bring up their children in an atmosphere of plenty, and they will have all the very-very best.
5) I can travel so much, as much as I want, the limit will be only my imagination!
6) I will live where I want to, i.e., by the sea and my house will be that's exactly what I want.
7) My family and friends as well will have the opportunity to do what they want, live where they want and have all that wish.
8) I'll buy myself the luxury car, which wink at me in the most fashionable interior and of course learn the drive!
9) I will be able to give such gifts beloved, of which they dream.
10) I will be able to help all people who need my help!